Just some pics I took with Zhao Yen, Linda and Wai Kwan.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Aaahhh!!! Exams are on the 6th!!! Well, its just a mock test actually. Hehe!! I have 2 mock tests on that day. 1 of it is true false questions but it has negative marking!!! scary!!! Seniors say that 90% of them FAILED!!!! Then the other 1 got essay. Haih. ESSAY...
For once I started studying, cuz it has finally dawned on me that if i fail the actual exam i can retake for a number of times and if i still fail i have to retake the WHOLE module!!! I ad realised this long time ago just that it never reli got into my brain. So far I've studied 3.5hrs only. I gotta catch up fast if i wanna b in the 10% that passes!!!
As u probably ad noticed from my pics, I'm getting FAT!!! So, I've started to exercise. Yes, I exercise. Haha. Unbelievable? Believe it!! I exercise everyday for at least 20mins. Jogging, sit ups n stuff la. I'm quite disciplined at it ok? Only weekends i slack cuz its my break time. Haha. I control my eating also ad. Must eat normally. Haih. Every time must limit my rice n sugar intake. Not much chocs, roti planta, roti pisang, lollipop, soft drinks, sweets, choki choki... =( But its for my own good. Oh well.
Hmmm, up to this point u must b wondering what uni has done to me. How come i suddenly STUDY and EXERCISE. Well, its not bcuz of uni. Then what?! Its bcuz of my sweet baby darling of cuz!!! Haha. He created a point system for me!! Hehe. Fine, it may sound stupid or lame to u but it works or me so who cares what u think. Haha. OK, i don't mean that. Really. Anyway, he's proud of me if i do any of those and so its reli nice to make him proud plus i get rewards!!Hehe!! Hmmm, rewards are secret. Too Bad!! blek =p Hehe.
Ok, i gotta go shower ad since I'm feeling very dirty after exercising. Then gotta have dinner!!! Haha. Today is not my cooking day!! Yay yay!!! Kk, i better go before they scold me for being late AGAIN!!! Ciao!!! Muahh!!!
For once I started studying, cuz it has finally dawned on me that if i fail the actual exam i can retake for a number of times and if i still fail i have to retake the WHOLE module!!! I ad realised this long time ago just that it never reli got into my brain. So far I've studied 3.5hrs only. I gotta catch up fast if i wanna b in the 10% that passes!!!
As u probably ad noticed from my pics, I'm getting FAT!!! So, I've started to exercise. Yes, I exercise. Haha. Unbelievable? Believe it!! I exercise everyday for at least 20mins. Jogging, sit ups n stuff la. I'm quite disciplined at it ok? Only weekends i slack cuz its my break time. Haha. I control my eating also ad. Must eat normally. Haih. Every time must limit my rice n sugar intake. Not much chocs, roti planta, roti pisang, lollipop, soft drinks, sweets, choki choki... =( But its for my own good. Oh well.
Hmmm, up to this point u must b wondering what uni has done to me. How come i suddenly STUDY and EXERCISE. Well, its not bcuz of uni. Then what?! Its bcuz of my sweet baby darling of cuz!!! Haha. He created a point system for me!! Hehe. Fine, it may sound stupid or lame to u but it works or me so who cares what u think. Haha. OK, i don't mean that. Really. Anyway, he's proud of me if i do any of those and so its reli nice to make him proud plus i get rewards!!Hehe!! Hmmm, rewards are secret. Too Bad!! blek =p Hehe.
Ok, i gotta go shower ad since I'm feeling very dirty after exercising. Then gotta have dinner!!! Haha. Today is not my cooking day!! Yay yay!!! Kk, i better go before they scold me for being late AGAIN!!! Ciao!!! Muahh!!!
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Birthday pics
This post is a little weird in the sense that the pics are from bottom to top. Haha. I shall just lay out the events on that day very simply.
1. He msged me at 11 something(13/10/07) saying he's on the way home from his grandma's house.
2. He msged me at 12midnight to wish me happy birthday and then called me and ask me to go downstairs.
3. He sang happy birthday for me in the car with a small cake and a big candle.
4. Made a wish.
5. Ate the cake(Mocha Cheese Cake) in the car together.
6. Took out a huge box from the boot which is my birthday present.
7. He went back home and I went to sleep.
8. Had lunch with my family.
9. He came to my house after lunch.
10. We went to Atria to get a LAN cable for me.
11. Went back to his house.
12. We ate dinner at Old Town Kopitiam.
13. We went to The Curve and Cineleisure.
14. Had donuts at Big Apple.



1. He msged me at 11 something(13/10/07) saying he's on the way home from his grandma's house.
2. He msged me at 12midnight to wish me happy birthday and then called me and ask me to go downstairs.
3. He sang happy birthday for me in the car with a small cake and a big candle.
4. Made a wish.
5. Ate the cake(Mocha Cheese Cake) in the car together.
6. Took out a huge box from the boot which is my birthday present.
7. He went back home and I went to sleep.
8. Had lunch with my family.
9. He came to my house after lunch.
10. We went to Atria to get a LAN cable for me.
11. Went back to his house.
12. We ate dinner at Old Town Kopitiam.
13. We went to The Curve and Cineleisure.
14. Had donuts at Big Apple.

btw, the locket is from Tiffany & Co.=)
Tiring day
Hi!!! Today is dam hectic la...my class was from 9.30am to 4.00pm NON-STOP!!! Well,ok, there was a teeny tiny little break which i had to do so many things. Plus i slept at 3am in the morning last nite so u know how tired i would be already. The funny thing about Nottingham is that no matter how late it is u can alwiz hear ppl still awake and visiting friend's rooms as if it is only 8pm. Anyw, i had to make cream crackers for lunch as that was all i had in my room. Linda also did the same thing so we had to for our 'lunch'.
Lab was from 9.30-12.30 then there was 1 class from 12.30-1pm. It was suppose to be an hour but Mr. Wong was nice enough to teach faster so that we could have lunch as lab class continues from 1.30-4.30. In that 30mins me and Linda had to walk all the way to SA building to get my car n drive to Tioman Hall to pay my rent which is ad overdue and so a penalty of RM22(ouch!) had to come out of my own pocket. Then we had to gobble down some cream crackers before driving back to the car pack which is nearer now (since there is no annoying guard, which is only there in the morning, to stop us from parking in the visitor parking which is nearer to the lab). The car park was so bloody full and we were so happy that we found 1 parking lot. I just quickly parked my car and we ran to class. Lab was also quite disastrous as it was so tedious and we did quite a lot of mistakes and then we were rushing to finish cuz we thought we had to pass hand reports in today. In the end Mr. Khoo decided to let us have a week to finish them. Hehe!!
We finished a little early so we came out at 4pm. We were walking so tiredly to the car, relieved that it is finally over when we spotted a guard near my car and a yellow thing sticking to 1 of my back tires. My car got CLAMPED!!! We were like wtf?! Isn't it visitor parking in which students can park? We asked the guard and he said that it is reserved. And true enough wen we looked closely we saw the car number on the road. We told him that it was because we were late for class and we were rushing so we didn't c the number. He said there would be no excuses and it was a professor's parking lot and if we wanted to appeal he's not the person to c. He said that there is no such thing that we didn't c the number as it is so obvious but we reli reli reli didn't c it at all!!! He said there is 2 so it is impossible to miss. But the 2nd 1 which is in front of the parking was partially covered by leaves so of cuz we didn't c!!! And who would think that a professor's parking lot is in the visitor's parking? There is staff parking after all. So anyone in their right mind would think that his parking lot would be there n not here in the visitor's parking. Haih.
Then he told us to go and see the Sargon or something like that. So we went to the admin building and the information lady said to see Mr. Azlan if we wanted to appeal. So we had to go back to the SA building to c him. Luckily he's a nice person so he said he will bind me over. Which means that he will let me go this time but if i get saman again i will have to pay double. Which is pretty reasonable as it is not like I'm gonna do it again. He told us that we actually parked in the lot of the dean of business school. Haha. So all in all my day was quite bad but it could have been worse it that means that my day is not dat bad. My sweetheart did send me a sweet msg in the morning and 2 msgs later in the afternoon wen i was having lab and i managed to hand in last week's lab report on time and finally pay the rent with a considerably small amount of penalty so it guess its ok. Haha. K, i gotta take a shower now as I'm ad feeling very sticky and uncomfortable from all the sweating and running around. Tata!!!
p/s : c, who say i nvr update? Hehe!!
Lab was from 9.30-12.30 then there was 1 class from 12.30-1pm. It was suppose to be an hour but Mr. Wong was nice enough to teach faster so that we could have lunch as lab class continues from 1.30-4.30. In that 30mins me and Linda had to walk all the way to SA building to get my car n drive to Tioman Hall to pay my rent which is ad overdue and so a penalty of RM22(ouch!) had to come out of my own pocket. Then we had to gobble down some cream crackers before driving back to the car pack which is nearer now (since there is no annoying guard, which is only there in the morning, to stop us from parking in the visitor parking which is nearer to the lab). The car park was so bloody full and we were so happy that we found 1 parking lot. I just quickly parked my car and we ran to class. Lab was also quite disastrous as it was so tedious and we did quite a lot of mistakes and then we were rushing to finish cuz we thought we had to pass hand reports in today. In the end Mr. Khoo decided to let us have a week to finish them. Hehe!!
We finished a little early so we came out at 4pm. We were walking so tiredly to the car, relieved that it is finally over when we spotted a guard near my car and a yellow thing sticking to 1 of my back tires. My car got CLAMPED!!! We were like wtf?! Isn't it visitor parking in which students can park? We asked the guard and he said that it is reserved. And true enough wen we looked closely we saw the car number on the road. We told him that it was because we were late for class and we were rushing so we didn't c the number. He said there would be no excuses and it was a professor's parking lot and if we wanted to appeal he's not the person to c. He said that there is no such thing that we didn't c the number as it is so obvious but we reli reli reli didn't c it at all!!! He said there is 2 so it is impossible to miss. But the 2nd 1 which is in front of the parking was partially covered by leaves so of cuz we didn't c!!! And who would think that a professor's parking lot is in the visitor's parking? There is staff parking after all. So anyone in their right mind would think that his parking lot would be there n not here in the visitor's parking. Haih.
Then he told us to go and see the Sargon or something like that. So we went to the admin building and the information lady said to see Mr. Azlan if we wanted to appeal. So we had to go back to the SA building to c him. Luckily he's a nice person so he said he will bind me over. Which means that he will let me go this time but if i get saman again i will have to pay double. Which is pretty reasonable as it is not like I'm gonna do it again. He told us that we actually parked in the lot of the dean of business school. Haha. So all in all my day was quite bad but it could have been worse it that means that my day is not dat bad. My sweetheart did send me a sweet msg in the morning and 2 msgs later in the afternoon wen i was having lab and i managed to hand in last week's lab report on time and finally pay the rent with a considerably small amount of penalty so it guess its ok. Haha. K, i gotta take a shower now as I'm ad feeling very sticky and uncomfortable from all the sweating and running around. Tata!!!
p/s : c, who say i nvr update? Hehe!!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Hi people!! So sorry for neglecting my blog for so long...haha...uni life is seriously bz man...can't belief i'm in uni ad. So fast!! In the 1st week there was a pool party. That was the most fun activity for orientation. Everyone seriously got wet 1 way or another. Either got pushed by some stranger, or by pushed by a friend or jump into the pool by yourself. Haha. I got pushed into the pool by Melody, my coursemate which is also from Taylor's. Haha. We were not informed that we were gonna get wet. Luckily I wore a swimsuit inside. haha.
The lectures are ok generally but some are really very boring and too much info. When u'r brain gets an oveload u (or rather me) tend to want to sleep and so will nod off. Haha. Dr. Christophe Wiart, a lecturer and also my tutor is a french and he is incredibly funny. Haha. Because of his acsent and the way he teaches. Its just so funny the way he pronounces things. He likes to demonstrate things and uses food to describe structures. Haha. He tells us funny stuff and can suddenly change topic. I was sitting in the 1st row on Friday while he was teaching and he suddenly said to me "nice flower, thank you for wearing flower Miss, you make me happy, 5 marks for ur next exam". Haha. I was wearing a flower clip on my hair at that time. Funny la he. There isn't much homework, mostly lab reports, manufacturing records and reading up on stuff. But lab reports and manufacturing records are so hard!!! u have to check so many books just to find the info neeeded. Oh, and I have an oral presentation on 2nd of Nov. But that is still quite far away. hehe.
My room is a single room with a shared bathroom. I'm currently staying in the furthest hall(Kapas Hall) and the toppest floor(3th floor). Dam teruk rite? haha. But there is a shifting exercise now so I'm planning to shift to Pangkor Hall where most of my friends stay and where I always go. It can take up to 10 minutes to walk to class from the hostel. Of course I can choose to drive to class but then parking spaces are so freaking lilited for students. The most I can do is drive to the Student Association(SA) building and park there because there is the only place where students can park thier cars excluding the hostel areas. The rest of the parking spaces are for staff. SA building is only half the journey to class. The rooms are quite good for hostels. It is reasonably sized and there are drawers and shelfs. Pangkor and Kapas are new blocks so the place is clean. The bed is comfortable and normal size. The only thing is that they are taking very long to install the latches on the bathroom door and the mosquito nettings for the windows.
This is by far the worst thing here. I use to complain about going to Asia Cafe all the time when I was in Taylor's but I would be immensely grateful now if Asia was nearby. The variety is so limited!!! Chicken rice, mix rice, roti canai and stuff and a western corner. Thats all!!!!!! The dishes at mix rice look so unappetising to me so i've only eaten that once. I usually have chicken rice. It is delicious but when u eat something so often it tends to get boring. Roti canai/margerine/egg/... are nice but so not filling. The western food is a little more expensive and not filling to me too. Oh, there is also a restaurant in the Admin building but the price there is a little higher and Asia's food taste much nicer. Because of this, we (wai kwan, zhao yen, linda, kee kee and me) cook our own dinner. All of them stay in Pangkor on the toppest floor and that is why it is much much easier for me if i shift to Pangkor. I'll be sharing bathroom with Zhao Yen if i shift there. Our cooking are quite ok and nice at times. Haha. We just cook simple stuff. There are actually quite a lot of eateries around Semenyih and Kajang but our break is only an hour so we will have to rush because of the jam if we eat outside. Yes, u have to drive to get to town and even pass a toll to get to Kajang.
I have quite a number of friends here. My good friends here are Linda, Zhao Yen and Wai Kwan. Zhao Yen and Wai Kwan were both from DJ so i know them. Linda I knew her thru GM™ and she knew me thru her bf, Jian Ren. Haha. GM™ and Jian Ren are coursemates in IMU. haha. So funny. Its such a coinsidense that me and Linda became good friends too. Hehe. Kee Kee is Wai Kwan and Linda's room mate. Oh, i forgot to mention earlier that Wai Kwan and Linda are room mates. Their rooms are like a mini hotel where there is a walkway and on each side are 3 doors opening into rooms. 1 of the door leads to the bathroom with 2 cubicles with toilet bowls, 2 cubicles for showering(only 1 with hot water) and 3 sinks with mirrors. Quite alot of people are from Taylor's and Help. They are all friendly so its quite easy to mix. Hehe. After all there are only 75 students taking pharmacy.
UNiM is so far away from everything. Even in the campus handbook, anywhere nice to go is in KL or Kajang. To get to anywhere nice u have to have a car or take some kind of transport. The last time we went to Kajang we got lost on the way back. Haha. We managed to find out way to Mertopoint Kajang by relying on road signs and our own non-existent sense of diretion. No map invovled. There are a lot of shops in Kajang and a cinema in Metropoint. We didn't have the time to shop there at tha time though. We went to shop for groceries in The Store in Semenyih Town. A cockcroach ran over my feel in The Store!!! Yucks!!! Me and Wai Kwan were choosing potatoes when Zhao Yen warned us about a cockcroach. I couldn't back away in time and so it ran over my feet. I screamed a little la but not loudly. So disgusting!!!
Free time
Well, I actually don't have much free time to myself. Classes usually start at either at 9 or 10 in the morning till 3, 4 or 5pm. There's an hour's break in between and that's it. So I wake up around 7 or 8 because we leave 45mins earlier to allow time to walk to class and to get seats in front. By the time i reach my room it's 30mins-1hour after class then I shower. Sometimes I take a nap or just rest or go jogging. Then around 6.30-7.30pm i go over to Pangkor to cook dinner with wai kwan, linda, zhao yen and kee kee. By the time we clean up it will be 8-9pm. I stay awhile at their place to chit chat and chill then go back to my room to study or talk to GM™..I shower, pack my stuff fpr the next day, decide what to wear to class, lock up everything and then get ready to sleep. I talk to my sweetheart until I can't stay awake any longer and then fall asleep and the cycle repeats. So u see, not much time for myself rite? Haha.
I can't think of anything else to write at the moment but hopefully I'm able to update more often. Haha. Tata!! Btw, I miss my friends and GM™.
The lectures are ok generally but some are really very boring and too much info. When u'r brain gets an oveload u (or rather me) tend to want to sleep and so will nod off. Haha. Dr. Christophe Wiart, a lecturer and also my tutor is a french and he is incredibly funny. Haha. Because of his acsent and the way he teaches. Its just so funny the way he pronounces things. He likes to demonstrate things and uses food to describe structures. Haha. He tells us funny stuff and can suddenly change topic. I was sitting in the 1st row on Friday while he was teaching and he suddenly said to me "nice flower, thank you for wearing flower Miss, you make me happy, 5 marks for ur next exam". Haha. I was wearing a flower clip on my hair at that time. Funny la he. There isn't much homework, mostly lab reports, manufacturing records and reading up on stuff. But lab reports and manufacturing records are so hard!!! u have to check so many books just to find the info neeeded. Oh, and I have an oral presentation on 2nd of Nov. But that is still quite far away. hehe.
My room is a single room with a shared bathroom. I'm currently staying in the furthest hall(Kapas Hall) and the toppest floor(3th floor). Dam teruk rite? haha. But there is a shifting exercise now so I'm planning to shift to Pangkor Hall where most of my friends stay and where I always go. It can take up to 10 minutes to walk to class from the hostel. Of course I can choose to drive to class but then parking spaces are so freaking lilited for students. The most I can do is drive to the Student Association(SA) building and park there because there is the only place where students can park thier cars excluding the hostel areas. The rest of the parking spaces are for staff. SA building is only half the journey to class. The rooms are quite good for hostels. It is reasonably sized and there are drawers and shelfs. Pangkor and Kapas are new blocks so the place is clean. The bed is comfortable and normal size. The only thing is that they are taking very long to install the latches on the bathroom door and the mosquito nettings for the windows.
This is by far the worst thing here. I use to complain about going to Asia Cafe all the time when I was in Taylor's but I would be immensely grateful now if Asia was nearby. The variety is so limited!!! Chicken rice, mix rice, roti canai and stuff and a western corner. Thats all!!!!!! The dishes at mix rice look so unappetising to me so i've only eaten that once. I usually have chicken rice. It is delicious but when u eat something so often it tends to get boring. Roti canai/margerine/egg/... are nice but so not filling. The western food is a little more expensive and not filling to me too. Oh, there is also a restaurant in the Admin building but the price there is a little higher and Asia's food taste much nicer. Because of this, we (wai kwan, zhao yen, linda, kee kee and me) cook our own dinner. All of them stay in Pangkor on the toppest floor and that is why it is much much easier for me if i shift to Pangkor. I'll be sharing bathroom with Zhao Yen if i shift there. Our cooking are quite ok and nice at times. Haha. We just cook simple stuff. There are actually quite a lot of eateries around Semenyih and Kajang but our break is only an hour so we will have to rush because of the jam if we eat outside. Yes, u have to drive to get to town and even pass a toll to get to Kajang.
I have quite a number of friends here. My good friends here are Linda, Zhao Yen and Wai Kwan. Zhao Yen and Wai Kwan were both from DJ so i know them. Linda I knew her thru GM™ and she knew me thru her bf, Jian Ren. Haha. GM™ and Jian Ren are coursemates in IMU. haha. So funny. Its such a coinsidense that me and Linda became good friends too. Hehe. Kee Kee is Wai Kwan and Linda's room mate. Oh, i forgot to mention earlier that Wai Kwan and Linda are room mates. Their rooms are like a mini hotel where there is a walkway and on each side are 3 doors opening into rooms. 1 of the door leads to the bathroom with 2 cubicles with toilet bowls, 2 cubicles for showering(only 1 with hot water) and 3 sinks with mirrors. Quite alot of people are from Taylor's and Help. They are all friendly so its quite easy to mix. Hehe. After all there are only 75 students taking pharmacy.
UNiM is so far away from everything. Even in the campus handbook, anywhere nice to go is in KL or Kajang. To get to anywhere nice u have to have a car or take some kind of transport. The last time we went to Kajang we got lost on the way back. Haha. We managed to find out way to Mertopoint Kajang by relying on road signs and our own non-existent sense of diretion. No map invovled. There are a lot of shops in Kajang and a cinema in Metropoint. We didn't have the time to shop there at tha time though. We went to shop for groceries in The Store in Semenyih Town. A cockcroach ran over my feel in The Store!!! Yucks!!! Me and Wai Kwan were choosing potatoes when Zhao Yen warned us about a cockcroach. I couldn't back away in time and so it ran over my feet. I screamed a little la but not loudly. So disgusting!!!
Free time
Well, I actually don't have much free time to myself. Classes usually start at either at 9 or 10 in the morning till 3, 4 or 5pm. There's an hour's break in between and that's it. So I wake up around 7 or 8 because we leave 45mins earlier to allow time to walk to class and to get seats in front. By the time i reach my room it's 30mins-1hour after class then I shower. Sometimes I take a nap or just rest or go jogging. Then around 6.30-7.30pm i go over to Pangkor to cook dinner with wai kwan, linda, zhao yen and kee kee. By the time we clean up it will be 8-9pm. I stay awhile at their place to chit chat and chill then go back to my room to study or talk to GM™..I shower, pack my stuff fpr the next day, decide what to wear to class, lock up everything and then get ready to sleep. I talk to my sweetheart until I can't stay awake any longer and then fall asleep and the cycle repeats. So u see, not much time for myself rite? Haha.
I can't think of anything else to write at the moment but hopefully I'm able to update more often. Haha. Tata!! Btw, I miss my friends and GM™.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
he came in the morning
My baby came to my house this morning. I was still comfortably snoozing away when he called me. I think it's 1 of the nicest ways to be awoken. The 1st thing you hear is the voice of the one you love. *sighs dreamily* He asked me if he could come to my house now and I was like of course!!! Hehe. So I quickly went to brush my teeth and wash my face then quickly ran excitedly downstairs. No time to shower also. I didn't put on my lens and was too lazy to wear my specs so everything was a blur to me. Haha. He wanted to me to go to his car but I refused to step out of the house in my PJs. Yes, I didn't change either. Hehe. So he came in after realising that I wasn't going out of the gate. He was late for a talk in IMU and so decided to skip the rest of it. Its so sooo nice to see him and to be able to be near him. I missed him so much even though it was only Sunday since I last saw him. Soooooooo extremely happy to see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe!!
He was planning to stay for awhile only but when he called his group members they didn't seem like they needed him urgently so he decided to take me out for brunch. Yay!!! Hehe. We went to the vegetarian stall near Williams. The food there is quite yummy. I used to eat there almost everyday a few years back. There were 3 kittens playing nearby while their mother was watching them from a chair. They were so so cute!!! But of course my baby darling is cuter!! Hehe. We tried to take some pics in the car but all of them turned out yucky so we deleted all.
After that he drove me back to my house and we lepak abit in the car then he went off to IMU. I already miss him loads. Maybe when his orientation is over and there is a fix timetable I might go and visit him and my friends there during their break or something. I'll have to get a map to there 1st though because I have no sense of direction and have no idea how to get there. Haha. Most probably will get lost for like 30minutes before finding it.
So bored now. Nothing to do. Haih. Nothing to update. Nothing to watch. No mood to chat. All I want is to see him. Maybe I'll go lie down and daydream of him. Ya, I think I'll do that. Ciao!!
He was planning to stay for awhile only but when he called his group members they didn't seem like they needed him urgently so he decided to take me out for brunch. Yay!!! Hehe. We went to the vegetarian stall near Williams. The food there is quite yummy. I used to eat there almost everyday a few years back. There were 3 kittens playing nearby while their mother was watching them from a chair. They were so so cute!!! But of course my baby darling is cuter!! Hehe. We tried to take some pics in the car but all of them turned out yucky so we deleted all.
After that he drove me back to my house and we lepak abit in the car then he went off to IMU. I already miss him loads. Maybe when his orientation is over and there is a fix timetable I might go and visit him and my friends there during their break or something. I'll have to get a map to there 1st though because I have no sense of direction and have no idea how to get there. Haha. Most probably will get lost for like 30minutes before finding it.
So bored now. Nothing to do. Haih. Nothing to update. Nothing to watch. No mood to chat. All I want is to see him. Maybe I'll go lie down and daydream of him. Ya, I think I'll do that. Ciao!!
Monday, 27 August 2007
Sorry for the super emo post earlier. If you are too lazy to sroll down to see which post it is there's a link here. emo post. I don't feel like that all the time. Only once in awhile when I'm really down. Thanks for all those people who messaged or tagged me. =)
I cooked a horrible lunch today. Super yucky and disgusting. Haha. I went to his house on Sunday. Spent 9 blissful hours together. Hehe. We had dinner at Khalifah Bistro. We ordered mee hun goreng, nasi goreng and roti pisang. Then we went to Tesco look for some stuff and bought a mini chocolate danish, mini sausage croissont and sausage donut. Hehe.Then we went back to his house and ate some of the porridge his mother cooked since she insisted that its very nice and we should try. It is very nice. Hehe. And I finished a small bowl of it. We hanged out awhile in his room and he burned a cd with all the songs he usually listens to for me. Hehe. I went back at around 10.30 because it was the last day of the ghost festival and so its not good to stay out too late especially since I was driving home alone. On Saturday he came to see me after dinner and we went to atria and shared a kfc snack plate since he hasn't eaten since 5pm. It was a very short meeting as he had to go back early but it was fine since we met on Sunday. Hehe. Thats about it. Nothing much. Just that I love my baby darling alot. =)
I cooked a horrible lunch today. Super yucky and disgusting. Haha. I went to his house on Sunday. Spent 9 blissful hours together. Hehe. We had dinner at Khalifah Bistro. We ordered mee hun goreng, nasi goreng and roti pisang. Then we went to Tesco look for some stuff and bought a mini chocolate danish, mini sausage croissont and sausage donut. Hehe.Then we went back to his house and ate some of the porridge his mother cooked since she insisted that its very nice and we should try. It is very nice. Hehe. And I finished a small bowl of it. We hanged out awhile in his room and he burned a cd with all the songs he usually listens to for me. Hehe. I went back at around 10.30 because it was the last day of the ghost festival and so its not good to stay out too late especially since I was driving home alone. On Saturday he came to see me after dinner and we went to atria and shared a kfc snack plate since he hasn't eaten since 5pm. It was a very short meeting as he had to go back early but it was fine since we met on Sunday. Hehe. Thats about it. Nothing much. Just that I love my baby darling alot. =)
Friday, 24 August 2007
fake rose
OMG!!! I almost forgot. I wanted to post some really beautiful pictures of the artificial rose my sweet baby dear darling bought for me. Please don't steal them ok? I really rally adore those pictures...

Aren't they beautiful? Ok, maybe you don't think so. But I do. And Its my blog. Haha... Nevermind, I've gone insane. I took some phots of myself when I just woke up.
I don't want to wake up...=(
I know it doesn't look nice but just felt like posting them. Haha...told you, I've gone insane!!!! Hahahahahahaha........
Yesterday my baby darling called me and we talked for lk 30minutes and later at night he went on MSN and on his webcam!!! So I could see his super cute and adorable and sexy and hot face. Haha. Its not very long but its effect lasted until today!!! I'm still very happy!!! Plus yesterday I chatted with Matt on MSN. Haha. He is such a joker. Haha. Coming up with funny theories. Haha. I promised the both of them that I'll take care of myself, so here I am. I woke up before 1. Haha. Its not much but for the past 2 days I brood in bed till past 1pm. So I view it as an improvement. Me and Matt are people that can survive with less than a bottle of water a day. Its damn unhealthy so we are trying to get each other to drink more water by sms-ing in the morning to remind each other to drink water. Haha.
Today I'm much more cheerful!! Hehe. I'm going to do some baking just to fill my time. I want to do so so many but some will have to wait as they can't last long and I want my sister to try them but she won't be back from Japan till Wednesday. By the way, I forgot to mention that Shamus Gong Gong helped in the baking of the Chocolate Hazelnut Torte. maybe that's why it tasted so good. Haha. Ok, I got to go cook my lunch already or they will say I never take care of myself. Hehe. Ciao people!!! Muahh!!!
Today I'm much more cheerful!! Hehe. I'm going to do some baking just to fill my time. I want to do so so many but some will have to wait as they can't last long and I want my sister to try them but she won't be back from Japan till Wednesday. By the way, I forgot to mention that Shamus Gong Gong helped in the baking of the Chocolate Hazelnut Torte. maybe that's why it tasted so good. Haha. Ok, I got to go cook my lunch already or they will say I never take care of myself. Hehe. Ciao people!!! Muahh!!!
Thursday, 23 August 2007
She feels like she’s nothing at home. Just a nuisance that gets scolding from her parents for everything she didn’t do or didn’t do well. All the things she did are ignored or given very little attention by them. Her achievements are belittled unless it was the best that could be achieved. She is deemed to have no potential to cook by her family after only a few failed attempts. Her success doesn’t remove that title. She is always compared to the best of the best which makes her seem worthless. Her sister is always better than her in some ways. She is better than her sister in some ways but they are tossed aside and ignored by her parents when they compare them. Her sister is always trying to prove that she is smarter and can outwit her. She still gets treated like a kid by her whole family and doesn’t get to have much freedom compared to her friends who are allowed to party till way past midnight and go to clubs and stay with their boyfriend.
Her joy is her boyfriend and her friends that are always there for her. He makes her feel loved and wanted. For once in her life she feels like she’s worth something. He believes in her and doesn’t judge her based on her failures and her past. He doesn’t ignore her achievements and maker her feel proud of herself even when she looks down on her own achievements. He makes her feel that she is the best in his eyes and no one can take that title away from her. He makes her feel that even if she is no one to the whole world it wouldn’t matter as she is someone to him. He picks her up when she falls and comforts her in her sadness. He tolerates her outbursts of frustration and confusion misdirected at him and calms her down. He listens to her whining, grumbling and complaints and tells her everything will be alright. Typing messages to him calms her down at night when she is afraid of the dark and the unknown. He tells her she’s beautiful when she’s at her worst. He doesn’t keep anything from her and is open about everything she tells him. He treats her like his princess and is proud to have her. He makes her feel good about herself and diminishes her self-doubt. He makes her feel safe and that she belongs somewhere-with him. He makes her part of his life and not just a bystander. His affection is what she lives on. He means the world to her.
They are there when she is sad to comfort and console her. They readily listen to her whining and give her any advice they can think of. They accept her as who she is and don’t attempt to change her. They are sincere in their friendship don’t back stab. They still remain even when she hasn’t seen them for ages because she hangs out with her boyfriend most of the time. They still go out with her and talk and joke the same way they did years ago. They tolerate her tendency for arriving late and procrastination. They believe in her in their own special way. They are the best friends she has ever known and treasures them immensely even if she doesn’t show it often.
But now he has started his course in university and is no longer as free as he used to be. He can no longer pamper her and accompany her much. She misses him dearly but there’s nothing they can do as he has to study. They are also studying already and therefore cannot afford to spend their time with her as they need that precious time to study for their exams and do their assignments. She understands this and does not blame anyone for her boredom and loneliness. But the sadness she feels missing him drains most of her energy and spirit and he’s not there to make her feel alive. Her family drains her of even more will and so she now mostly does nothing at home and broods away in her misery and boredom. She has unhealthy meal times as she lost her appetite which was before this extremely good. She doesn’t like having lunch alone and the thought of it makes her depressed and therefore loses her will to cook, go out and eat or buy back any food. She sleeps in the early hours of dawn as she lost her liking for sleeping as well and as a result, wakes up very late in the afternoon. She drinks very little water as he is not there anymore to prompt her to drink. She misses the songs she used to so frequently hear him play almost every day and so sings fragments of the songs that she remembers to herself. Her recently hyped up cheerfulness has dissipated into thin air as depression cloaks her and now hardly opens her mouth to speak unless she has to. The thought of leaving for Semenyih during late September leaves her even more depressed as she will be far away from her source of happiness. She will only come back every weekend which will most probably be spent with her family and so leaves scarcely much time to spend with her boyfriend and friends who have their own activities as well.
I wonder how she will cope……
Her joy is her boyfriend and her friends that are always there for her. He makes her feel loved and wanted. For once in her life she feels like she’s worth something. He believes in her and doesn’t judge her based on her failures and her past. He doesn’t ignore her achievements and maker her feel proud of herself even when she looks down on her own achievements. He makes her feel that she is the best in his eyes and no one can take that title away from her. He makes her feel that even if she is no one to the whole world it wouldn’t matter as she is someone to him. He picks her up when she falls and comforts her in her sadness. He tolerates her outbursts of frustration and confusion misdirected at him and calms her down. He listens to her whining, grumbling and complaints and tells her everything will be alright. Typing messages to him calms her down at night when she is afraid of the dark and the unknown. He tells her she’s beautiful when she’s at her worst. He doesn’t keep anything from her and is open about everything she tells him. He treats her like his princess and is proud to have her. He makes her feel good about herself and diminishes her self-doubt. He makes her feel safe and that she belongs somewhere-with him. He makes her part of his life and not just a bystander. His affection is what she lives on. He means the world to her.
They are there when she is sad to comfort and console her. They readily listen to her whining and give her any advice they can think of. They accept her as who she is and don’t attempt to change her. They are sincere in their friendship don’t back stab. They still remain even when she hasn’t seen them for ages because she hangs out with her boyfriend most of the time. They still go out with her and talk and joke the same way they did years ago. They tolerate her tendency for arriving late and procrastination. They believe in her in their own special way. They are the best friends she has ever known and treasures them immensely even if she doesn’t show it often.
But now he has started his course in university and is no longer as free as he used to be. He can no longer pamper her and accompany her much. She misses him dearly but there’s nothing they can do as he has to study. They are also studying already and therefore cannot afford to spend their time with her as they need that precious time to study for their exams and do their assignments. She understands this and does not blame anyone for her boredom and loneliness. But the sadness she feels missing him drains most of her energy and spirit and he’s not there to make her feel alive. Her family drains her of even more will and so she now mostly does nothing at home and broods away in her misery and boredom. She has unhealthy meal times as she lost her appetite which was before this extremely good. She doesn’t like having lunch alone and the thought of it makes her depressed and therefore loses her will to cook, go out and eat or buy back any food. She sleeps in the early hours of dawn as she lost her liking for sleeping as well and as a result, wakes up very late in the afternoon. She drinks very little water as he is not there anymore to prompt her to drink. She misses the songs she used to so frequently hear him play almost every day and so sings fragments of the songs that she remembers to herself. Her recently hyped up cheerfulness has dissipated into thin air as depression cloaks her and now hardly opens her mouth to speak unless she has to. The thought of leaving for Semenyih during late September leaves her even more depressed as she will be far away from her source of happiness. She will only come back every weekend which will most probably be spent with her family and so leaves scarcely much time to spend with her boyfriend and friends who have their own activities as well.
I wonder how she will cope……
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Aaaahhhh!!!! I love my baby so much!!! I thought I was going to blog on how I missed the chance of seeing him. But then he called me...

Yes, I know I'm crazy over the rose again.

I miss you so bloody hell much and I love you even more fucking much.
Me: Are you online?
Baby dear: It's hard to go online here.
Me: Oh,ic.
Baby darling: Can you do a me a favour?
Me: Do what?
Sweetheart: Can you go to your gate....
Haha. I love him so so much!!! He surprised me with a fake rose!!! Ok, it may sound un-romantic but it really is very very sweet!!! It represents his un-dying love!!! muax* muax* muax* You are an absolute sweet baby darling sweetheart honey dear sweety!!!!!!!! So adorable and cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yet still irresistably sexy and hot. I feel like screaming the way I scream when I see a cute animal everytime I see/think of him/hear his voice. Haha.
The fake rose

By the way, he gave me his shirt on Monday(or was it Sunday?). He has an exact same 1 in a bigger size. Hehe. I'm going to wear it to sleep so I can feel closer to him.

We spent an hour in his car outside my house. Hehe. Its so nice to cuddle in his arms and breathe in his scent. The way he feels and his touch. I was playing with my cats earlier, manja-ing them and I was wishing that my cat was me and I was GM™. So nice to be manja-ed and caressed and kissed and loved and hugged and...........Its just so nice to be around him.
I miss you so bloody hell much and I love you even more fucking much.
For the love of heels...

I'm so freaking bored!!! My baby started his course in IMU yesterday but since it was only registration he could leave early. Plus, he had to attend the awards ceremony in Taylor's for his excellent results(yes, I'm very proud of him) and I had to accompany him to help him take pictures. Then after dinner with my friends I went to his house. So, I still managed to see him yesterday. But today, not a glimpse of him. Haih. I didn't think it would be so bad. He asked me to miss him in a non-destructive way in which I can have moments of sadness but after that I could continue with life normally and missing him won't make me sad the whole day. I thought it would be ok, but turns out I've been moody half the day already and cried at least 3 times even after hearing his voice three times and chatting with him on msn once before he left for uni. =(
Ok, best not to dwell on unhappy things. Last night I had dinner at Pizza Uno at Centerpoint with Vicki, Mabel and Sharllina. Sharllina is back from India!!! Hehe!!! Sin Yee couldn't come since she had some online test that was due yesterday. Me and Mabs wore red and Sin Yee and Sharllina was wearing pink. Only Vicki was wearing white which is not a shade of red. Haha!! And we never planned the colour coordination. It just happened!!! Haha. The food at Pizza Uno was yummy!!! We had Pollo Lasagna, some chicken fettuccine and the last pizza on the menu as Mabel said. The pizza was folded close. At first we didn't know if they gave us the right thing. Haha. Oh, I forgot to mention that I baked a Chocolate Hazelnut Torte and I brought them each a piece so they had it after dinner. Vicki was afraid I was going to poison her with th cake. Haha. Then as usual fourforever outings, we took pictures!!! Too bad it was raining so we couldn't take more pictures outside as inside the mall was so dead. Mabel!!! I want the pictures!!!
My cake>>>>

After Mabel dropped me back home I went to GM™'s house. I gave his parents a piece each. Hopefully they don't think it is too sweet/too bitter/too hard/too filling/..... My baby said that my cake is like a chocolate moon cake. Delicious but you can't eat more than 1 piece because it is too much. Hehe!! He is such a sweetheart!!! Sorry, couldn't stop myself from talking about him again. =p I've never been so integrated into someones life after all. Last time I felt like I was just a decoration beside the main dish on the plate, but now its like I'm one of the ingredients of the main dish. Ok, I know it's a terrible analogy but oh well, that's all I can think of. It's almost like I belong with him in his house. I miss going to his house and seeing him so soo much...
Ok, best not to dwell on unhappy things. Last night I had dinner at Pizza Uno at Centerpoint with Vicki, Mabel and Sharllina. Sharllina is back from India!!! Hehe!!! Sin Yee couldn't come since she had some online test that was due yesterday. Me and Mabs wore red and Sin Yee and Sharllina was wearing pink. Only Vicki was wearing white which is not a shade of red. Haha!! And we never planned the colour coordination. It just happened!!! Haha. The food at Pizza Uno was yummy!!! We had Pollo Lasagna, some chicken fettuccine and the last pizza on the menu as Mabel said. The pizza was folded close. At first we didn't know if they gave us the right thing. Haha. Oh, I forgot to mention that I baked a Chocolate Hazelnut Torte and I brought them each a piece so they had it after dinner. Vicki was afraid I was going to poison her with th cake. Haha. Then as usual fourforever outings, we took pictures!!! Too bad it was raining so we couldn't take more pictures outside as inside the mall was so dead. Mabel!!! I want the pictures!!!
My cake>>>>

After Mabel dropped me back home I went to GM™'s house. I gave his parents a piece each. Hopefully they don't think it is too sweet/too bitter/too hard/too filling/..... My baby said that my cake is like a chocolate moon cake. Delicious but you can't eat more than 1 piece because it is too much. Hehe!! He is such a sweetheart!!! Sorry, couldn't stop myself from talking about him again. =p I've never been so integrated into someones life after all. Last time I felt like I was just a decoration beside the main dish on the plate, but now its like I'm one of the ingredients of the main dish. Ok, I know it's a terrible analogy but oh well, that's all I can think of. It's almost like I belong with him in his house. I miss going to his house and seeing him so soo much...
Thursday, 16 August 2007
I got my A-Levels results already!!! OMG!!! It's really quite disappointing. I got 1A and 2Bs. I used to think that it was really easy to get that, so I expected at least 2As. Haih. Guess I was overconfident. I just managed to fulfill the requirement for Pharmacy in Nottingham. Luckily I still got in. Maybe some people might think that my results are good, but to me, I failed myself. =( I never used to be upset over my results. Even during SPM I only got 6As out of 10 subjects and I didn't really feel sad at all. But this time, it just kind of broke my heart. Sure, lots of people didn't get good results too, but there are so many people who scored so much better than me too. My baby, as expected, got straight 4As. Congratz by the way. I'm not mad at him for being smart, but just a little jealous. Oh well, its done and there's nothing I can do about it.

That was on 07/08/07. I stayed over at my friend's house from 7th-11th. Hehe. It was fun!! We went shopping and watched The Simpson's and Rush Hour 3. I never liked The Simpson's but the show was ok, funny, but a little too short though. We went to old town to have ngar po kai fan( however you spell it) and Yong Tau Fu somewhere.
Hmmm, I still can't find the pictures I mentioned in the lost post. Maybe my dad is having them. Anyway, a Japanese girl is coming to stay in my house tomorrow. My family is hosting her for 3days. Then on Mon my sis is going to Japan and then stay 3 days with her family. She gets 2.5k spending money!! Just for her to buy stuff!! So unfair! I never got that much of spending money. =( Of all times, they have to have this trip on this week, the last week I get to spend with my darling in his house. Baby dear is starting his Medicine classes in IMU on Mon. I won't be able to go to his house during the weekdays like I have been doing for the past 2 months. I won't be able to see him much on weekends either because he has to go out with his parents. So basically, this is our last week of seeing each other often. Haih. I'll miss him terribly. I wonder what I'll do now that he's not free anymore. Hopefully time flies when uni starts and time slows down during holidays......
Moving on to happier topics, we celebrated our 5th month anniversary recently. He cooked dinner for me. Hehe!!! It was absolutely delicious!!! My sweetheart can cook better than me. Haha. Then he kind of surprised me with 2 movie tickets for Rise: Blood Hunter at 10 something, couple seat in Cineleisure!!! Hehe. Then my surprise for him was er, not so nice but, perhaps almost as nice? I wore fish net, dark grey pantyhose, the heels he bought for me, tie some ribbons to hopefully look more gothic, and wore a top in shiny black with a skirt. All of which are stuff that he likes to see me in. The movie was fine, though not very good. But the company was the best of all of course. Hehe!! We left Cineleisure at 1 something. Almost lost our way to the car. Haha. The night was the most special night of all. Superly nice. Details are private and confidential though. =p
Our dinner>>>

That was on 07/08/07. I stayed over at my friend's house from 7th-11th. Hehe. It was fun!! We went shopping and watched The Simpson's and Rush Hour 3. I never liked The Simpson's but the show was ok, funny, but a little too short though. We went to old town to have ngar po kai fan( however you spell it) and Yong Tau Fu somewhere.
Hmmm, I still can't find the pictures I mentioned in the lost post. Maybe my dad is having them. Anyway, a Japanese girl is coming to stay in my house tomorrow. My family is hosting her for 3days. Then on Mon my sis is going to Japan and then stay 3 days with her family. She gets 2.5k spending money!! Just for her to buy stuff!! So unfair! I never got that much of spending money. =( Of all times, they have to have this trip on this week, the last week I get to spend with my darling in his house. Baby dear is starting his Medicine classes in IMU on Mon. I won't be able to go to his house during the weekdays like I have been doing for the past 2 months. I won't be able to see him much on weekends either because he has to go out with his parents. So basically, this is our last week of seeing each other often. Haih. I'll miss him terribly. I wonder what I'll do now that he's not free anymore. Hopefully time flies when uni starts and time slows down during holidays......
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