On the 25th, my family and I headed down to Johor again for another Kathina, but this time in Pontian. We stopped at Melaka for some shopping and lunch. We went at Tam Kim Hock to buy the local stuff.

The cute trolley inside
The stuff we bought
Lemon flavoured sotong
The individual packets inside. Not very nice though.
We ate lunch at the Famosa Chicken Rice Ball shop.
Oops, accidently took my dad as well
The interior
Our table no. My mum's fav since it's her birth date.
The menu
Chicken claw?
Oyster source towfu? Towfu made from oyster?
All sorts of chicken/duck rice
Fishball soup we ordered
Towfu soup for my dad
Braised egg for my dad as well since he's vegetarian
Famosa Chicken Rice Ball
The drink fridge
All our drinks
My mum's duck rice ball
My sis's chicken rice
My roasted pork rice ball
Towfu soup, fishball soup and the sad looking braised egg
After the extremely filling lunch, my mum still wanted to have the cendol. So we went back to the car and drove there.
Some deepavali stalls we passed by
Indian cookies
Cardboard festive greetings
Decorative things
Indian candy!!!
The red houses or something. Can't remember what they are called.
A rather cute sign. "Save your feet"
A mini windmill at a round-about
The church
The apparently famous cendol stall
Even has his own poster. Cendol Jam Besar.
The bowl of cendol that I shared with my sis
So much stuff!!! But then to me, it wasn't sweet enough. Like abit no taste.
One whole line of trishaws
The boat for the 'save your feet' river cruise. Why would anyone want to take a cruise on a dirty river?
A water thingy.
Can you see the Eye on Malaysia?
The ship on display
Another ship
A menara that we saw and have no idea what it is for
We passed by Mahkota parade also. Will go there some other time.
Roxy and Esprit
One of the entrance to Mahkota Parade
Melaka likes cones. The Jusco there had a gigantic cone
The road side shrubs are trimmed into cone shapes
Another cone shaped shrub
They like this tree as well. I saw it almost everywhere!!! I have one in my house garden. Haha.
A man made waterfall
A vitagen truck got caught in my snapshot. Haha.
Finally!!! Dharma Light Meditation Centre!!!
Kathina banner
The place where the monks have their coffee and stuff
The special kuti
The kuti can be opened up from 3 sides. This one has a fan, lights and mosquito netting. Better than the one in Ulu Tiram. Too bad we didn't get to sleep in one bcuz there wasn't any left. All were took up.
The hall which we had to sleep in. The bottom floor is for the ladies while the top floor is for the monks.
The only toilets there. This place is newer so the place is very clean and has less bugs. The hall is very very newly built. 2 weeks ago, it wasn't ready.
The main place
The stalls are to the put the food for the monks' breakfast and lunch
Food Paradise. This is were the food for everyone will be the next day.
A fruit that we are not sure what it is since it looks to big to be a lime.
Bamboo trees
A line of trees
After putting our stuff in the ladies hall, we went out to see Pontian since there was nothing to do in the temple and it was still quite early. We have always learned that Johor is famous for pineapples. But we didn't see any pineapples/pineapple plantations in Johor the last time. This time we did. However, they were not real pineapples.
Can u see the pineapple shaped windows?
Another pineapple!!!
A super cheap shop. But the clothes look so ugly. not my taste at least. We didn't go in btw.
We had dinner here
A play area there. So random.
A random fridge
And a random clothes shop
Some poor crabs tied up and waiting to be cooked
So pitiful!!! They are all doomed.
Stingray. We ordered some grilled sting ray.
Yucks!!! So many flies stuck on the fly paper. So disgusting. But what to do. If not eat what?
Our table no. by the sea front
The view from our table
Look into the horizon
Paya air masin. Haha. My sis watched Black Water (it's about a crocodile in a salt water mangrove) in her school since they finshed PMR. Then suddenly their Geography teacher came in and say 'For those who don't know, this is salt water mangrove' in BM. Haha. So funnyla.
Our drinks
Our food!!! Mun yee mee, fried rice, sao o fan and 2 plates of fruit rojak.
My plate of food!!! Of course I ate more than this la.
Grilled sting ray!!! Yummy!!! But spicy...
My family and I!!! without my sis since she hates taking pics.
The sunset
So nice the colour of the sky. Purple!!!
Another pineapple!!!
We went back to the monastery after that. We showered cold water since there was no heater. It was so cold that I was jumping around shivering while showering. Haha. When we came out, everyone in the hall had gone for evening chanting. We were already late so didn't feel nice interupting. The sliding door of the hall is tinted, so everyone could see inside. We didn't feel nice not joining the chanting either, so we went to the staircase at the side of the hall, where the door to the staircase blocks us from their view. Hehe.
We sat there and read for quite awhile until we thought the monks were coming down. So we quickly rushed back into the hall. In the end me and my sis decided that it was quite nice to sleep, so decided to sleep even though it was only 9pm. We went to take out our lens and brush our teeth. My mum, which already did those, decided to go back to the staircase to read the newspaper. When we were finishing, we saw a monk coming out of the door. So we knew our mum was busted. Haha.
It was so hard to sleep la. Don't know why. It wasn't uncomfortable. It was actually rather comfortable, as comfortabe as it gets sleeping on the floor. At 10.30pm something, all those people who were chanting came back and were making so much noise, walking here and there, talking, pulling sleeping mats, taking things from their bags, walking in and out. By the time I slept it was past 11.
The monks' breakfast and lunch spread
Some unconsiderate people smoking
A long line of stuff already left there in preperation for the Pindabat (the offering of stuff to monks)
See!!! So many!
Food Paradise. Haha.
The 1st thing we took. Satay!
There were so many stalls. Chee Chong Fun
Biscuits and packet drinks
Delicious pudding!!!
Food food food!!!
Bubble Tea!!!
Rojak! See the guy mixing the rojak!!!
Colourful jellies!!!
Bowls and more bowls!!!
Seafood in curry
Wan Tan Mee
Some kind of salad
Watermelon, honeydew melon and sago. So nice!!!
Corn in a cup
The bubble tea me and my sis took.
Yam and don't know what. They were good!!!
Empty already!!!
So we went for our dad's!!! Haha. No la, we just took a sip each.
Another cup!!! Cool colour huh?
Red + Blue = Purple!!! It tastes something like Ribena
It's not rubbish ok? It's the stuff we offered.
So many people
Woo!!! Banyak!!!
The Kathina tray
My mum putting stuff into the monk's bowl
The number of monks that were present for the chanting
And the number of people!!!
The entrance to the Sima Hall, which is the hall the monks go to every 2 months to do a confession. Lay people are not allowed inside.
The front
The rings to stabilise the monks' bowls
Kathina is a ceremony where a Kathina robe is offered to a monk. A Kathina robe is a robe that is made form a single peice of cloth, which is cut, sewed back and then dyed, just for the Kathina.
The cloth
Sewed back into a piece. It takes a long time u know? Like more than an hour. If u click on the pic, u can see that there is a pattern on the cloth. It is suppose to look like a paddy field.
Washing the cloth before dyeing.
The pot of boiling water to dye the cloth
The boiling water after the dye was added
More dye. 3 kinds of dye were mixed to get the right colour.
Tadaa!!! The finshed product!!! Not easy ok to do this?
That's all lo. After that we went back home and watched CSI!!!