The game goes like this...
1. Take n (n being the number of people playing the game) sets of numbers from the deck.
2. Everyone gets 4 cards and you pass a card anti-clockwise or clockwise (up to you) with the objective of getting all 4 of the same number.
3. All the while you have to keep your eyes on everyone.
4. Once somebody gets all 4 cards of the same number, they will do a pre-determined action (in our case was putting a finger on our nose). It's best to do something that is not too obvious.
5. Everyone has to do the same action, and the last person who does it is a pig.
6. Normal people can't talk to the pig. If they do, they become a pig too.
7. So, if the pig becomes a pig again in the next round, he/she becomes a Level 2 pig.
8. Level 1 pig can only talk to Level 1 pigs, Level 2 with Level 2 and so on.
9. If a Level 1 pig talks to a Level 3 pig, he/she will automatically become a Level 3 pig too.
10. So the pig's objective is to talk to lower level pigs and normal pigs to trick them into replying or responding to them so that they become a pig or increase in level.
11. At the end, the person who is the lowest level pig or not a pig at all wins.
Haha. It was so funny!!! In the end, Chooi Chooi was the winner. Me and Chris were Level 1 pigs, Lee Ming, Shin Yen and Ching Yee were all Level 3 pigs. When Chris and I realised Ching Yee (who was then a Level 2 pig) responded to Lee Ming (who was already a Level 3 pig), we just looked at each other and burst out laughing. Haha. I didn't fall for any of their tricks. The only reason why I became a Level 1 pig was because I didn't understand the rules that well in the 1st round, so I was last to put my finger to my nose. I thought that the last person to get all 4 cards of the same number becomes the pig. Haha.
So anyw, I drove to Mid Valley, fetching Ching Yee, Chooi Chooi, Huey Ping, Sze Ying and Nicole Liew. Sounds pack in a Wira? Well, it was for them. Haha. The advantage of being the driver, is that we ALWAYS don't have to be squished. Even the person sitting in the front passenger seat might have to share it with another person if the situation calls for it. I don't know why people hate driving so much. I understand if it's during a jam, but normal times? It's so fun to feel the power of your car (although mine is only a Wira), and zoom past other cars. Of course the make of the car matters, but the person driving it matters more (Wahaha, sounds like self-praise). If you can drive well, even with a Kelisa you can outrun better cars. Of course it doesn't apply when you're competing with a Mersedes or a BMW or other much better cars.
Ok ok, back to the topic. We went there earlier to walk around and buy the birthday cake. After a little walking around, some calling and a lot of debating among ourselves, we decided on Cheeze Choc from Secret Recipe. The message we wrote was quite cute. Hehe. See it in the pic later. The dinner was suppose to start at 6.30pm, but the rest of the people took soooo long to get there. I think they reached at 8pm? Not sure because I didn't check my darling watch.
Sook Yee looked so much prettier than usual. She was in everything Wendy. Meaning everything she wore was from Wendy la. From head to toe. Wendy, Khong Hern and Chris were responsible for it all. Make up, clothes, heels. Sook Yee looks nice in make up. Usually she doesn't put make up, or maybe she does but it's not obvious as she wears specs so they cover it. That night they made her take of her specs. Haha. She looked pretty without it but she was like half blind because her power is high. Oh, and her feet hurt because Wendy (same size as me!!!) is 2 sizes smaller than her. Oh well, they do say that beauty hurts.
The food there was good!!! Sze Ying, Chooi Chooi, Huey Ping, Nicole and I all ordered sanwhiches/burgers. All of us, except Nicole (because she doesn't eat beef) , divided out food into 4 portions and we all shared. We ordered Chicken BBQ, Sirloin Cheddar Grille, Chicken Swiss and Beef Bacon, and 1 more which I can't remember. The portion was so huge that I had trouble finishing it all. Or maybe it was because I didn't really concentrate on eating and so got full faster. Ching Yee ordered Fish and Fries. It was yummy!!! The sauces there are quite nice too. Hmmm, but the price is a little over my usual budget.
I used my credit card for everything, so I was the cashier for the day. OMG!!! Really, I have to be more organised the next time I do this kind of thing. I didn't seperate the money for the cake and the food bill so everything got mixed up. Spent soooo long collecting and counting the money. In the end, I managed to get the amount correct. I think? Even if I didn't, the loss wasn't that much, at most RM5.
I was suppose to go home after that, BUT Ching Yee and Sook Yee convinced me to stay over. So I did, in Lee Ming's room because she has an extra bed (her roommate went back to her hometown). Luckily I brought my exercise clothes, so that was my PJs that night. We talked all night. Well, not ALL night, but till 3am!!! OMG!!! My class the next morning was at 9.15am, so I had about...5 hrs and 40mins of sleep. I woke up at 8.40am, after much willpower on my part and alot of ringing power on my alarm's part. I had a quick shower, wore back the same clothes I wore the night before (no choice!!!), then left the place with Ching Yee at 9am. Fast le? Haha.
So that was it. Now, the pics!!!
These are the names of the people who went:
Me, Nicole Liew, Sze Ying, Chooi Chooi, Huey Ping, Ching Yee, Kelvin, Gen Yuan, Khong Hern, Fiona, Choon Wee, Shin Yen, Wai Hou, Lee Ming, E-jing, Wilsen, Sook Yee and Kun Yang.
19 all together. Almost 20% of P1/08. Haha.
I'm trying my hand on grilled lamb chop today. Check out the next post to see how it went ok? Tata!!!
Me, Nicole Liew, Sze Ying, Chooi Chooi, Huey Ping, Ching Yee, Kelvin, Gen Yuan, Khong Hern, Fiona, Choon Wee, Shin Yen, Wai Hou, Lee Ming, E-jing, Wilsen, Sook Yee and Kun Yang.
19 all together. Almost 20% of P1/08. Haha.
I'm trying my hand on grilled lamb chop today. Check out the next post to see how it went ok? Tata!!!
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