the ant bite at 1st...

the ant bite later on...

the bump on the back of my car...

Bout a few weeks ago i wen for a dinner in Holiday Villa...Its a charity dinner organised by a center that my dad was in the committee...its to raise funds for a monk to build a retreat centre in australia,where the monk comes from...he's a reli famous we wen la...the food was all vegetarian but quite nice... nothing much la...juz some speeches n some singing...
The monk that is the founder of the retreat centre,,,

A buddhist singing group that is not that bad...

they dress like christians eventho they r buddhists...

then no more bout the dinner...
Peeled oranges...yummy...

The parking ticket that i modified... can u spot where i changed it?

my stack of Charmed books...

the stupid frog that was the reason y i got the ant bite...

A dolly that i designed...

Ok,no more ad...finish...later will hv more...i'll post the pics i took at Mysticals Steppes : Down the Silk Road...i wen wit my mum n dad...its was okla...but not very nice...then at 1st we wen the wrong way n ended up at a masquerade ball n we din noe...the lady there ask us to fill up a form for a free photo shoot with an english kind of furniture long as very nice wan i wen...then we saw so many ppl wear so nice wan...then got masks...then got 2 ladies where those old types of dresses...those very puffy wan...n at 1st we thought they changed into that for the photo shoot...but later we realised they actually wore that we figured somthin must b wrong then we wen to check the front was some other thing la...not the mystical steppes...haha...dam funny...then we juz wen to the right place la...i took photo for free...but dono whether they'll send to me or not...mayb they'll figure out that my name is not in the name list or sumtin then they won send...haha...anyw,thats all...gotta sleep ad...tmr hv to go early cuz hv to put my chem notes in the car wen gm passes it back to i don wan to walk so far...nitez!!!