Diablo II is almost like NOX la, which is a game me and my sis played when I was in Form4. I got it from Hong Yee.
Unfortunately, it can't be read on Vista. Haih. But Diablo II nicer!!! Cuz my baby can teach me and play together with me!!! He played all 7 characters before, each at least 3 times!!! So pro right? So he give me lots of tips. I know I'm very outdated la, now only playing it when Diablo III is coming out already. But what to do? Now only I discover that it is so nice to play ma.

So anyw, I passed my Sem2 finals la. Duh!!! If not I won't be in Sem3. I didn't resit anything la. This sem we have to take Malaysian Studies!!! What is the reason for Pharmacy students re-taking LAN subjects (Yes, even if you have taken them in Pre-U) and not Medical students? It is because we Pharmacy students do not have anough credits in each Sem so we have to add in LAN subjects to reach the required amount of credits per sem, set by the government. It is so DUMB!!! D! U! M! B! DUMB!!! Our dean likes to say things that way. Example, he wants to emphasize on the word a lot: A LOT!!! A! L! O! T! A LOT!!! He will say it one time, then spell it out, and then say it another time. Haha.
I once said that I was being efficient during the hols right? Well, I take that back. It only lasted for the 1st week. Haha. I didn't do much after that. My room and table is still in a mess, my stuff are not all repaired and I didn't manage to rearrange some of my stuff. Haih!!!
My mum and I went for the premier of Quantom of Solace last Wednesday in Cineleisure.

I wore StarFish to the premier btw. Hehe. And I met this girl, who has the exact same name as me. She's also in IMU, but doing Medicine. My darling's junior la. She's my mum's friend's daughter. That's how I know her name and why she was there la. Followed her mum to the premier ma. Cuz each person got 2 tix. That's about it la. Will post up those outdated pics some other time.