17th feb-me n my family : road to penang and penang
~wen back to penang for cny n got stuck in the jam for 10hrs goin back...got a cut on my big toe in kfc cuz the edge of the toilet door scratched it...*ouch* had buffet wit my 2nd aunty n her family,my 6th aunty n her family n my 3rd uncle b4 we came back on the 21st...
sparkly rain water...hehe...


soo much water!!!

so much moss grow on top of the water till the river turned green...yucks!!!

from 2 lanes it became 4 lanes...

snuffles stuffed in my jacket...hehe!!!

snuffles wrapped in my sis's scarf...he looks a girl...haha...

super snuffles!!! haha...

check out the amount of water bein splashed bout by the car...

the cut on my big toe...T.T

the amount of blood that came out cuz of that stupid cut...

the beautiful night view from the balcony of the apartment...

the big lizard behind a pot in the lobby of Sri Sayang...

my sis,yi ern,grace je je n me at wonderland restaurant where we had the buffet...

a temple that we passed by on the way to somewhere...

the dragons on the roof of the temple...

the all vege pizza that mummy n daddy shared...

mummy's dessert-gold rush

daddy's dessert-classic banana split

my sis's fish n chips!!!

her dessert-merry mint

my food!!! chicken baked rice...yummy!!!

my dessert-cookie summit

3 of the many choc balls in my ice cream

ice cream-drenched-chocolate-covered-candied-cherry...hehe!!

Weng Thye...haha...my fren's name is Wen Tye...haha...

14th feb-guan meng,me,gary,sian yee,chew fatt,shun jin,mar vin,karen,phyllis,alicia,wing chuan and sian yee n karen's fren : marche in the curve,tgv 1u n mosin(mamak)
~i noe its not accordin to date but i accidently left this out...i got a henna for vday n stuck on a heart tattoo...i followed guan meng home after col cuz he's gonna fetch me to the curve later in the evening...so i changed n showered n got ready in his hse la...i wen to eat wit my classmates in marche...the food there is lk expensive la...so i ate this grilled half chicken which was lk the most worth it thing there but it was so big i cudnt finish it...haha...n i had ice blended chocolate hazelnut...my bill was the cheapest...20 sumtin,close to 30...then wen for a movie wit gary in 1u...watched blood n chococlate...hehe...he belanja me la...i was 20mins late for the movie bcuz i wasnt drivin n had to wait for my frens... =p after the movie,gary,me n guan meng wen to mosin which is near my hse to yum char for awhile n then guan meng sent me home after that...overall,it was the best valentine's i ever had la...cuz wen out wit so many frens n watched blood n chocolate....wanted to watch that show ever since i heard the ad on hitz.fm...
the henna i did on the back of my hand

the heart tattoo...nice rite?

the half eaten grilled half chicken...it was quite yummy too...

the necklace that i wore that day...

well,dats all la...these few days nothing much happened...actually got...but,i duwana write it here 1st...some ppl cannot noe bout it yet...if it happens,then i'll blog bout it then..but for now,i'd rather not...ok,gtg...tata!!!
Continuation of the pics!!!
16th feb-vicki,mabel,sharllina,sin yee,me,guan meng n daryll : the Curve
~we celebrated vicki n mabel's birthday...
me n mabel in front of the street in the curve...

the birthday cake!!!strawberry cream cake...yum!!!

sharllina,mabel,vicki,me n sin yee in front of cineleisure...

darryl,sharllina,vicki,mabel n guan meng...

guan meng,me,sin yee n darryl...

sharllina,me n mabel in the toilet...haha...

mabel n me =)

mabel n me again...haha...but i lk the lighting somehow...

sin yee n me =D

guan meng's laptop n the disco ball in his room...

playin cards in guan meng's room...haha,i can c all ur cards guan meng...

sharllina,mabel n me!!!

back to playin cards...

my penang trip photos will b posted next time la...n there r more of vicki n mabel's photos...but its not wit me yet...so upload next time...tata!!!
Ok,i noe i've not updated my blog for quite some time ad...but i'm juz feeling reli lazy recently...i hv loads of pics to put up n i don mind puting them up...but i'll hv to explain them n thats wat i'm too lazy to do... =p ok,nvm...i'll juz put them up...or some ppl will b reli noisy...complaining n complaining...haha...anyw,juz a very brief story...
Sharllina,sin yee,me,guan meng n darryl celebrated vicki's n mabel's bd on 16th feb,fri in the curve...we wen there after col n was terribly late bcuz of the jam...had an extremely late lunch in sake sushi n they cut the cake there...watched ghost rider after that,reli nice movie btw...then walked around aimlessly for a few hours then ate at uncle lim's n then wen to guan meng's hse...played cards for lk half n hr n thats all...sounds kinda boring to u? well,it was reli fun actually...with so many sarcastic,funny,crazy,siao,sa,chi sin ppl around...there wasnt reli much time left to b bored...then wen back lk 11 sumtin close to 12 ad...got some scolding from my parents cuz the next morning we're leaving for penang n i haven reli packed...
The trip to penang took 10 hours...10 u noe...can u imagine?sitting in the car for 10 hours?!then cuz the road we took got flood...n alot of cars were cutting in n out...so we took so many pics of the cars cut illegally...but in the end its bcuz in front got flood...haha...so took all the pics for nothing...we had lunch at kfc in tapah there...yer...the place a,got so many those uncontrolled kids...yucks...this year my mum said the ang paos all very big wor...cuz she go n open n c...but i dono la...i din c la...not much use to me oso cuz i cannot spend my ang pao money...all go to my education fund...the trip back was better,6 hrs...n i finally unpacked all my stuff...the box is finally up in the attic ad...where it belongs...ok,my story is very long ad...so i shall stop n post all the pics...enjoy!!! hehe...
9th feb-1u : me,mabel,sin yee n tze tze
~juz a regular trip to 1u on a friday afternoon...
my dessert in johnny's...forgot wat its called...


noodles dat tze tze had...


wats left of it after we were done...haha...

the pocket calenders for four forever from girls...

the decorated stage in 1u for cny...so pretty...haha...

upside down umbrellas!!!haha...

10th feb-taylors,road,ming tien,1u : me,guan meng(not in 1u) n sin yee,mabel(only in 1u)
~gm drove us to taylors for a career seminar n then wen to ming tien to hv lunch after that...then he dropped us at my hse n me n sin yee wen to 1u to visit mabel at paddington's house of pancakes where she works...
the kelisa that gm cudnt outrun n kept gettin in our way...haha...same model,same speed,juz 1 step ahead...

the cny decoration in ming tien...

guan meng

sin yee n me

guan meng n his ice kacang...

my dessert,peach lady...yummy!!!

the most unusual thing to find in a guys wallet...eraser!!! haha...

guan meng's car behind my car...haha...i'm winnning the race... =p

juz b4 we go seperate roads...

the nice light deco dat sin yee liked...

my car n mabel's car...side by side...hehe...

mabel in paddington's house of pancakes...

sin yee n me in paddington's...

the view from paddington's...

pour the mapel syrup!!!

syrup oso use finish ad...

this smart guy use the escalotor to go up n down while cleaning the side glass...

the receipt...

the nice flower decoration for valentines...

valentine's sale in 1u...


Lion dance in 1u...

well,since this post is ad too long...the other pics will b in another post...