Saturday, 24 March 2007
Within Temptation
Omg,i just found out bout this band, Within Tempatation. I stumbled onto their songs on Tagged when i was lookin at some1's profile. Their songs r super nice. Reli love it soo much!!! This is their official website : Within Tempatation Go n check it out. They've been around for so long ad n i can't believe that i just found out bout them now. The name of the band is lk super nice oso. But i guess they're not famous in Malaysia la. Cuz i hv never heard theri songs b4. They r a dutch band. Their albums aren't even released here or in Singapore. So happy I found out bout them. They have collaborated to form a game called The Chronicles of Spellborn. I'm so happy,i'm so happy,i'm so happy!!! haha...
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Saturday, 17 March 2007
I'm so sorry for the faulty format of my past posts before febuary cannot be viewed properly...i'm not sure y wat is wrong in the template...juz bear wit it k?i'm so sorry...oh,i'm oso reli sorry for not updating my blog!!! I've been so bz n tired recently...i suppose to b studyin rite now...but i juz cant!!! i feel so i decided to update my blog...i think the next time i update this bloggy will b after trials...which is on the 7th of april (our 1st month anniversary!!!)...hehe...ok,so here goes...
I finally coupled wit guan meng!!! hehe...finally...okla,its not dat long la i 3 weeks?i started liking him since feb...wen my mum 1st saw him n kept talkin bout him n sayin all his good stuff...n it juz made me realise dat it is true la...n slowly i started to hv feelings for him...but obviously its not my mum force me to lk him la...its juz dat she started it lo...he ad noe wan dat i lk him...cuz i made it so freakin obvious...i keep askin him to teman me n stuff lk dat he noes la...but actually he's unsure...he lks me...but not reli alot la...wat he feels most is he lk me as a sis...but he also lks me lk a gf...but he say,if he says dat he duwan to couple wit me,it wud b a gary oso say juz try we try la...i mean even if it doesnt work out in the end,we can still b best frens its not dat bad la...
I din think dat he wud b sweet n all...but he is la...he called me at nite,but i din pick up cuz i left my hp in the by the time i reached my phone it was ad a miss call...then he msged me after dat...askin me y i din answer my phone,and dat he wans to hear my voice...I can juz about melt at dat instant...haha...i juz din expect him to b sweet i guess...cuz he has been my good fren all along and now he is my bf...yes,i do like him alot but i juz din imagine him this way..but its reli nice...i'm not complaining...haha...
Gary said dat we wud progress very slowly bcuz guan meng is a slow kind of guy...he said,1st month hold hands,2nd month hug n 3rd month kiss is ad too fast...i was lk wat?! omg,i'm gonna b bored to death...but later on i asked guan meng...he was lk no!!! dats too slow ad...haha...thank goodness...we held hands on the 3rd day n then i hv been goin to his hse to study after obviously i'll b i oso got take naps there...and so he hugged me to sleep on the 7th somehow feels lk my dreams r coming true...i've alwiz wanted to sleep wit my bf very badly...sleep as in juz go to sleep la...juz sleep on the same bed la...nothing sexual...n now i'm ad havin it...n juz yest nite,he ask me to hv dinner wit u noe dat this is the 1st time dat any of my bf ask me out for dinner? none of my ex did its lk,i'm very happy la...altho we juz wen to McD n i hv to pay for it myself,its still fun...i can reli b myself around him...i don hv to care if my hair is messy...if i eat till quite messy...if my make up smears...i juz feel so relax and at ease...i seriously trust him alot oso...wen we were eating i gave him this long list of 22 questions dat i came up wit the nite he answered all of them la...wen he came to the question askin him y he lks me...he was lk,i'm not good at writing essays...then i told him,its not an essay ques...its a structured ques...haha...then he ask me how many marks...haha...3 i replied...haha...then he answered la...after dinner he wanted to take me to place which he claims to b reli nice.,..but the road leading there was we juz wen round the places near his area...then he tested me on how much i still rmb bout manual driving...haha...cuz i'm driving an auto he ask me to change the gear for him...he was lk change to gear 3,change to gear 2...quickly change from gear 3 to gear 1...haha...then we wen to the park near his hse cuz i wanted to sit swing...but the swing there not nice shaky n the seat is soo low...the park near my hse is better...haha...then we walked round the park hand in hand juz was reli fun la...reli the most fun date ever...but we had to go home early cuz trials r comin n his parents will b mad at him if we don go home we left at early rite? n he cant even go on9 now...but wat to do...hopefully after trials things will b better...well,dats all for now...
if u r reading this,juz wan u to noe dat i'm missing u like crazy...thanks alot for last nite...and hope to c u soon...take care!!! muax*
I finally coupled wit guan meng!!! hehe...finally...okla,its not dat long la i 3 weeks?i started liking him since feb...wen my mum 1st saw him n kept talkin bout him n sayin all his good stuff...n it juz made me realise dat it is true la...n slowly i started to hv feelings for him...but obviously its not my mum force me to lk him la...its juz dat she started it lo...he ad noe wan dat i lk him...cuz i made it so freakin obvious...i keep askin him to teman me n stuff lk dat he noes la...but actually he's unsure...he lks me...but not reli alot la...wat he feels most is he lk me as a sis...but he also lks me lk a gf...but he say,if he says dat he duwan to couple wit me,it wud b a gary oso say juz try we try la...i mean even if it doesnt work out in the end,we can still b best frens its not dat bad la...
I din think dat he wud b sweet n all...but he is la...he called me at nite,but i din pick up cuz i left my hp in the by the time i reached my phone it was ad a miss call...then he msged me after dat...askin me y i din answer my phone,and dat he wans to hear my voice...I can juz about melt at dat instant...haha...i juz din expect him to b sweet i guess...cuz he has been my good fren all along and now he is my bf...yes,i do like him alot but i juz din imagine him this way..but its reli nice...i'm not complaining...haha...
Gary said dat we wud progress very slowly bcuz guan meng is a slow kind of guy...he said,1st month hold hands,2nd month hug n 3rd month kiss is ad too fast...i was lk wat?! omg,i'm gonna b bored to death...but later on i asked guan meng...he was lk no!!! dats too slow ad...haha...thank goodness...we held hands on the 3rd day n then i hv been goin to his hse to study after obviously i'll b i oso got take naps there...and so he hugged me to sleep on the 7th somehow feels lk my dreams r coming true...i've alwiz wanted to sleep wit my bf very badly...sleep as in juz go to sleep la...juz sleep on the same bed la...nothing sexual...n now i'm ad havin it...n juz yest nite,he ask me to hv dinner wit u noe dat this is the 1st time dat any of my bf ask me out for dinner? none of my ex did its lk,i'm very happy la...altho we juz wen to McD n i hv to pay for it myself,its still fun...i can reli b myself around him...i don hv to care if my hair is messy...if i eat till quite messy...if my make up smears...i juz feel so relax and at ease...i seriously trust him alot oso...wen we were eating i gave him this long list of 22 questions dat i came up wit the nite he answered all of them la...wen he came to the question askin him y he lks me...he was lk,i'm not good at writing essays...then i told him,its not an essay ques...its a structured ques...haha...then he ask me how many marks...haha...3 i replied...haha...then he answered la...after dinner he wanted to take me to place which he claims to b reli nice.,..but the road leading there was we juz wen round the places near his area...then he tested me on how much i still rmb bout manual driving...haha...cuz i'm driving an auto he ask me to change the gear for him...he was lk change to gear 3,change to gear 2...quickly change from gear 3 to gear 1...haha...then we wen to the park near his hse cuz i wanted to sit swing...but the swing there not nice shaky n the seat is soo low...the park near my hse is better...haha...then we walked round the park hand in hand juz was reli fun la...reli the most fun date ever...but we had to go home early cuz trials r comin n his parents will b mad at him if we don go home we left at early rite? n he cant even go on9 now...but wat to do...hopefully after trials things will b better...well,dats all for now...
if u r reading this,juz wan u to noe dat i'm missing u like crazy...thanks alot for last nite...and hope to c u soon...take care!!! muax*
Friday, 2 March 2007
Blood donation!!!
Today i actually donated my blood!!! my blood u noe...i'm very very scared of needles...n i actually did it...there was a blood donation drive in my col today...guan meng asked me to donate at 2pm n i din wan to at 1st bcuz i was seriously extremely scared...he said he din wana go alone so i said the most is i teman him there la...i don think i will donate...n then later i asked so many of my classmates n they were lk do it la...its not very pain wan la...juz do it la...ur blood is rare so u'r lk helpin urself oso...then i called vicki lk 10mins b4 2...she ask me to donate,help ppl la...but she ask me to let guan meng donate 1st so dat at least rite,wen i donate he'll b there...cuz i'll b extremely scared...
then i wen lo...took the form to hands were reli shakin wen i filled up the form...then i watched guan meng donate...1 of my fren was there oso...she was beside him la...both of them oso said its not pain i trust them lo...but i was still so soo scared...cannot keep still...then yvonne came n she was oso very scared...but she was gonna donate i said we donate together la...then we wen for the blood testing everything together...the device they use to poke the finger is so scary...its lk a clip...n they press sumtin n the spring releases n the needle pokes u...damn pain le...n then they take ur blood to test...that is the most painful they took my blood pressure...mine is ok...hehe...n then they keyed in my info n all n then gave me a booklet...some blood donation booklet to record the number of times u donated me n yvonne took guan meng's n my fren's place...since she purposely asked the nurse to test her blood on her left hand n so wanted to donate blood from the left hand i let her i took guan meng's place n she took my fren's place...
nimalan had tuition at 3 n it was ad guan meng had to fetch him 1st he duwan wan...cuz he said dat me n yvonne were there for him so he hv to b there for us la...but he ad promised nimalan to fetch him he left lo...b4 the nurse inserted the needle into my vein... >^<
i fetched yvonne back...since she stay so near to guan meng n sin yee wanted to know where he stays,i drove to his hse...we called his hp but nobody picked up so i assumed he's asleep cuz he usually sleeps around this time so i din think of callin his hse phone oso cuz his mum's car was in so i din feel nice la lk suddenly droppin by his we left...then guan meng called but i din hear,so i called him wen i reached home...he said gary is in his hse n they were talkin so they din hear as the phone was in silent mode...bloody idiot...sooo geram la...aargh...missed a chance to hang out wit both of them together... >^<
then vicki came over at 5.3 cuz she wans to borrow skewers...then we talked for awhile n then she wen home at 6...then guan meng msged on msn...sayin he cudnt wake gary up...haha...he say he's scared gary will shout at him...he ad call him up once but he wen back to sleep...i ask him to put an alarm next to his ears but guan meng say he will b dam fierce he decided to throw his pillow at gary...haha...gary said 'woi' then wen back to i called him...guan meng was warning me that he will shout at me n talk till dam fierce...but i din care la...gary din lo...he talked to me reli nicely but he sound so funny...then later he chatted wit me on msn...argued over 1 thing the whole time...haha...thats all la overall wat happen was an interesting day for,the PICS!!!
Oh,i forgot bout some pics...i had yee sang wit my family recently...n there r some pics...n then some miscellaneous here they are... enjoy!!!
Donating n yvonne...

my precious blood!!!

Lookin at the wound...

Have to press down on the wound for so long... >^<

the yummy dessert that my sis made for herself cuz she din eat lunch...super sinful...choc moist cake,ice-cream,chocolate n silver sugar beads...

my sis pouring the stuff over the yee sang...

the yee sang,ready to be mixed n eaten!!!soo yummy!!!

the sparkling juice we fast finish ad... >^<

me with this month's allowance...haha...its not alot la...juz dat i nvr had so many notes mum usually gives me in 50s n not 10s...haha...

my fatty bite with a colourful toy mouse on his head...haha...

Ok,thats all la...nothing else ad for now...more of vicki n mabel's birthday pics can b found in fourforever's new blog,mabel's blog n sin yee's blog...dats all ppl,tata!!! =)
If you love someone,just show it...there's nothing wrong with liking someone...don't let them wait for you and spend so much time guessing how you feel...
Waiting for someone is the hardest thing to do when that is all you can do...
I hate waiting when I already did all that I can and there's nothing else that I can do...
then i wen lo...took the form to hands were reli shakin wen i filled up the form...then i watched guan meng donate...1 of my fren was there oso...she was beside him la...both of them oso said its not pain i trust them lo...but i was still so soo scared...cannot keep still...then yvonne came n she was oso very scared...but she was gonna donate i said we donate together la...then we wen for the blood testing everything together...the device they use to poke the finger is so scary...its lk a clip...n they press sumtin n the spring releases n the needle pokes u...damn pain le...n then they take ur blood to test...that is the most painful they took my blood pressure...mine is ok...hehe...n then they keyed in my info n all n then gave me a booklet...some blood donation booklet to record the number of times u donated me n yvonne took guan meng's n my fren's place...since she purposely asked the nurse to test her blood on her left hand n so wanted to donate blood from the left hand i let her i took guan meng's place n she took my fren's place...
nimalan had tuition at 3 n it was ad guan meng had to fetch him 1st he duwan wan...cuz he said dat me n yvonne were there for him so he hv to b there for us la...but he ad promised nimalan to fetch him he left lo...b4 the nurse inserted the needle into my vein... >^<
i fetched yvonne back...since she stay so near to guan meng n sin yee wanted to know where he stays,i drove to his hse...we called his hp but nobody picked up so i assumed he's asleep cuz he usually sleeps around this time so i din think of callin his hse phone oso cuz his mum's car was in so i din feel nice la lk suddenly droppin by his we left...then guan meng called but i din hear,so i called him wen i reached home...he said gary is in his hse n they were talkin so they din hear as the phone was in silent mode...bloody idiot...sooo geram la...aargh...missed a chance to hang out wit both of them together... >^<
then vicki came over at 5.3 cuz she wans to borrow skewers...then we talked for awhile n then she wen home at 6...then guan meng msged on msn...sayin he cudnt wake gary up...haha...he say he's scared gary will shout at him...he ad call him up once but he wen back to sleep...i ask him to put an alarm next to his ears but guan meng say he will b dam fierce he decided to throw his pillow at gary...haha...gary said 'woi' then wen back to i called him...guan meng was warning me that he will shout at me n talk till dam fierce...but i din care la...gary din lo...he talked to me reli nicely but he sound so funny...then later he chatted wit me on msn...argued over 1 thing the whole time...haha...thats all la overall wat happen was an interesting day for,the PICS!!!
Oh,i forgot bout some pics...i had yee sang wit my family recently...n there r some pics...n then some miscellaneous here they are... enjoy!!!
Donating n yvonne...

my precious blood!!!

Lookin at the wound...

Have to press down on the wound for so long... >^<

the yummy dessert that my sis made for herself cuz she din eat lunch...super sinful...choc moist cake,ice-cream,chocolate n silver sugar beads...

my sis pouring the stuff over the yee sang...

the yee sang,ready to be mixed n eaten!!!soo yummy!!!

the sparkling juice we fast finish ad... >^<

me with this month's allowance...haha...its not alot la...juz dat i nvr had so many notes mum usually gives me in 50s n not 10s...haha...

my fatty bite with a colourful toy mouse on his head...haha...

Ok,thats all la...nothing else ad for now...more of vicki n mabel's birthday pics can b found in fourforever's new blog,mabel's blog n sin yee's blog...dats all ppl,tata!!! =)
If you love someone,just show it...there's nothing wrong with liking someone...don't let them wait for you and spend so much time guessing how you feel...
Waiting for someone is the hardest thing to do when that is all you can do...
I hate waiting when I already did all that I can and there's nothing else that I can do...
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